Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Flying Lessons.

During the springtime, we often have families of geese and ducks and other water fowl passing through--spending a night or two out at the pond.  Our rates are high, and we have an annoying (at least for fowl) dog that likes to run circles around the pond so we are typically just a one or two night stopover, a B&B of sorts for them. 

But, it's been well over a month now that Atticus and I have been observing a little family of ducks on our pond.  This little family of ducks, and they do appear to be a family, with a mama duck, a papa duck, and two baby ducks, have taken a liking to us, or at least to our pond.  Mama and papa duck are loyal parents, devoted to one another and to their two offspring.  (That's my story, and nobody will convince me otherwise).

The other day, despite the cold temperature and lack of a zoom lens, we watched mama and papa duck teaching two little ducks how to fish, and fly, scoot and snorkel. (Again, this is my story).


Ah, learning.   Can anyone relate?
But, soldier on:

And soon enough (of course, when teacher wasn't looking):

Oh yeah.  I think I've got this!

All in good time, my friends.  

Today's Song: "Fly Me Away" by Annie Little. 

And, stay tuned... One of these days I will have photos of PEOPLE (who you may or may not know) in this blog.  I love people.  And, almost even more than people, I love PHOTOS of people, particularly candid photos.  People's faces, people doing silly things.  People when they don't know they are the subject of a photo. 

These days in the country office, my life tends to be surrounded more by books, electronics, and critters than by people.  (Certainly not a bad thing).  I admit that I am a little self-conscious about toting the camera along to the gatherings of potentially new "cool friends" who don't know me very well yet. (One would think that a "grown up" such as myself wouldn't care or shouldn't care what other people think, but old habits die hard).  And, while things are more low-key and casual in these parts than in the big City and the big firm, I just haven't been quite bold enough to pull out my camera at client meetings or professional gatherings--the other main events where I am likely to encounter people--and start snapping away.   I am getting bolder though...  Those ducks, they are inspiring me.  People on these pages there will be!  Soon.  Even if I have to resort to taking pictures of myself in the mirror or in my own shadow.